Life in Japan
What apartment-hunting and buying was like in Tokyo, how much apartments cost in the city, and some things that should be considered.
Here’s how Japanese in Japan and Japanese-Americans in Hawaii celebrate Japanese New Year’s differently.
Here are a things you should know when it comes to moving out of Japan while trying to have an international life.
These are the initial things that have caught my attention in this early phase of reverse culture shock returning from Japan to Hawaii.
Here are a few realizations and lessons I learned while going through the process of moving from Japan to the US.
Do foreign English ALTs in Japan have meaning? I interview a few of my former students that I taught while on the JET Program.
What is a typical 1-bedroom (1LDK) apartment in central Tokyo actually like? My approx. $1,800/month apartment in Setagaya, Tokyo.
Tokyo Metropolitan Government pitches are unique. Here’s how they go, according to my experience.
How much monthly utilities cost in Tokyo - comparing living as a single vs. couple.
Summers in Japan are HOT. Here are a few everyday things that can help you survive summers in Japan.
My experience living in Tokyo as it prepares for the Olympics and fights the Covid-19 pandemic.
A conversation revealing differences between 2nd and 4th generation Japanese-Americans.
Tasting The Fruits Company, a Japanese DTC brand aiming to turn wasted fruits into 100% fruit juice.
Annual health checks are done each year when working in Japan, a country with socialized health insurance. Here's what it’s like.
Life in Tokyo in as it tries to get things moving again and edge towards “reopening”. Virus cases, mask wearing, travel, business, and overall people sentiment.
Making Kansai-style sukiyaki, different from typical sukiyaki, with delicious Japanese Wagyu beef.
Wagyu steaks and bulgogi bakes are just a few of the added benefits for expats who love shopping at Costco in Japan.
What it’s like to go back to work in Tokyo after the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pseudo-lockdown.
My experience living in Japan as a Japanese-American, both in the countryside and in the city.
Due to language, cultural and mindset barriers, working at a Japanese company as a foreigner can be unintentionally lonely at times.
A look at working from home in Tokyo, as the city is now in a quasi-lockdown and tries to reduce person-to-person contact by 70%.
How it’s like living and working in Tokyo during the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic.
What my typical lunches on Tokyo workdays are like and how much they cost.
Spending the full New Year’s holiday in Tokyo for an authentic Japanese New Year’s experience.
What is a typical studio apartment in central Tokyo actually like? My approx. $950/month apartment in Setagaya, Tokyo.
The process I went through to move to Tokyo and find an apartment to live in.
This is why I moved to Japan and why I’ve stayed for 10 years. The plan was 2 years.
The way I found a job in Japan is an often unknown and underused tool. I explain it here.
I share my experiences and tips for dealing with money if you're traveling or moving to Japan. My preferred banks in the U.S and Japan, how to use Apple Pay, and the credit cards that I use.